Iowa Veterinary Medical Association Foundation
The purpose for which the Foundation is organized is to receive gifts and property to be used for the advancement of veterinary medicine and the promotion of veterinary medical research and education. The Foundation shall hold, administer and dispose of gifts and property thereof, and any and all things necessary or incident to the accomplishment of the foregoing purposes, provided, however, that none of the funds, property or income of the corporation shall be used in attempting to influence legislation by the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise or for the benefit of any private member of the corporation or individual.
To accomplish the foregoing object or purpose, this Foundation shall have the right to act as Trustee of any funds or property that it may receive under specific or limited grants or agreements or that it may receive by testamentary disposition and shall have the right to hold and manage the same under the terms and conditions imposed by any such bequest not inconsistent with the objects herein above expressed.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, the Foundation is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (or corresponding section of any future federal tax code).
Current Goals:
- To support innovative research and education projects with direct application to recruitment and retention of quality students into veterinary medicine.
- To advance veterinary medicine by supporting projects that raise veterinarian's awareness of current issues in the practice of veterinary medicine
- To educate the public about veterinary medicine and teach animal owner responsibility
- To ensure the success of developing leaders for our profession by providing student scholarships.
- To offer emergency scholarships to veterinary medical students in special circumstances
Possible Future Projects:
- Increase number and amount of scholarships
- Establish a strategic fund to help veterinarians who experience catastrophic loss due to disasters and emergencies
- Establish an IVMA Foundation lecture series
- Establish an IVMA Foundation professorship at Iowa State University
To contribute to the IVMA Foundation, please contact the IVMA office at 800/369-9564 or click on the link located on the upper right side of this page.
Iowa Veterinary Medical Association Foundation Sports & Field Day Committee Minutes
IVMA Office & Via Zoom Beaver Creek Golf Course, Grimes IA
Wednesday, MAy 9, 2024
On Thursday, May 9, 2024, the Iowa Veterinary Medical Association Foundation’s Sports & Field Day Committee was called to order at 12:10 am by Sports & Field Day Committee Chair, Dr. Doug Quam at Copper Creek Golf Club. Others in attendance were Drs. Dave Larson (Foundation BOD), Robert Freese, Wayne Rychnovsky, Jeff Okones, Jennifer Stumpf, and Randy Wheeler Teresa Farrell (Program Coordinator).
Unable to attend were Drs Jared Danielson, Megan Hindman, Jeno Kuennen, Darrell Neuberger, Paul Murrell, Abbey Smith, Kylee Thomas, Kim Van Driel, and Mike Wells.
The Minutes of the October 25, 2023, meeting were reviewed and approved by the group. Financials from the 2023 Sports & Field Day were reviewed and there was a discrepancy between the P&L that was stated in the Oct 25, 2023, Minutes and the 2024 P&L that was provided for this meeting. Dr. Wheeler will check on the discrepancy.
5/16/24 Post meeting update Dr. Wheeler: In the Oct. 2023 Minutes, S&F Day income total was $11,699.79 vs. the 2024 total was $9,343.13. The difference is due to not all the expenses were deducted at the time of the Oct. financials. Those expenses included the $1,000 IVMA administration fee (which the committee had approved at the Oct. meeting) and $1,250 remittance to a sponsor who had paid twice and then remaining $106.66 was for refreshments and extra shot shells purchased for the shooting events. The Foundation’s balance took care of the $1,156.84 difference in scholarship moneys awarded from the S&F Day event.
The 2024 S&F Day Golf and Shooting events were discussed.
The event will be Wednesday, August 29, 2024, at Copper Creek Golf Course in Altoona. The cost for the Modified Shotgun start is $50/player to start at 9:00 am. To start later than 9:00 am the cost goes up to $60.The group met with Paul Kreutzman from Copper Creek, and he agreed to allow us to start at 10 am for $50/player. This will change the schedule of the golf outing slightly:
- Golf registration - 8:30 am
- Cold Box Lunch will be handed out at check-in for golfers to take with them on the course ($13.00 plus 7 % tax and 18% gratuity and 20% Service Charge= $18.78)
- Shotgun start – 10:00 am
- After golf, Happy Hour to announce awards. Appetizers to be served - 3:00-4:00 pm (price subject to appetizers selected) (no dinner meal served) We will hold this on the patio if the weather cooperates, if not inside the banquet room.
- Staggered team hole starts (all teams finish at approximately the same time)
- Format ‘Best Shot’
- Additional game options
- Putting string 4’ @ $30 (1 string per foursome)
- 4 Mulligans per foursome @ $30
- Have Copper Creek announce the rules for using the string/mulligans at tee-off
- 2024 Fee’s: Golfer fee $150 early registration and $175 for late registration (students $75) – same as 2023.
Expenses per golfer:
Expense (base price) |
With 7% tax, 18 % gratuity & 20% Service Charge |
Golf ($50) no gratuity, tax only |
$53.50 |
2 Drink Tickets, beer or seltzer only ($10) |
$14.45 |
Lunch ($13) |
$18.78 |
After golf Happy Hour Appetizers (estimated: $15/person) |
$21.67 |
Prizes ($580 total - based on @58 golfers) |
$10.00 |
Total |
$118.39 |
- 2024 golf prizes and awards – same as 2023 (may need to adjust for number of players)
2024 IVMA Sports and Field Day Prizes:
- 1st and 2nd place sponsored by IVMA Foundation:
- 1st Place - 2 flights x 4 golfers
(8) Pro shop gift certificates $40/each $320.00
- 2nd Place - 2 flights x 4 golfers
(8) Pro shop gift certificates $20/each $160.00
4 Hole Prizes (flag events) – Sponsored by IVMA:
- 4 - $25 Pro shop gift certificates $100.00
- Closest to pin
- Longest drive
- Longest putt
- Closest to the pin in 2
(Copper Creek chooses which hole for prizes and type of contest)
Total Prize Money $580.00
- Discussed having a raffle at the golf event. Sell tickets for $5/each or 5 for $20. Draw winners at Happy Hour/Awards. Teresa will send out an email to ask for donations from S&F day committee, IVMA Foundation Fellows, IVMA Executive Board. Examples of items to donate include ISU football/ basketball tickets, ISU memorabilia, gift cards. Teresa and Dr. Wheeler will ask our attorneys about any restrictions or licenses needed.
- Sponsors – can buy alcohol through Copper Creek (not allowed to bring their own alcohol). No need to preorder. Sponsors may bring their own non-alcoholic beverages and packaged snacks to hand out. These do not need to be purchased through Copper Creek. If sponsors have coolers with alcohol on the course, they must be there. It is not allowed to leave coolers with alcohol unattended. Copper Creek will put out our hold sponsor signs for us if we get them to them a few days prior to the event.
- 2024 Sponsorship opportunities will remain the same as 2023:
- Hole sponsorship $750
- Foursome $600
- Drink cart sponsorship $250
- Sponsorship Combination of Hole and Foursome of golfers $1,250
- Committee Members were asked to contact potential sponsors by June 14. If unable to sponsor hole and/or foursome, ask for a donation.
Confirmed Hole sponsors:
- Hill’s Pet Nutrition– VAP
- Iowa Wealth Management (RW) – VAP
Potential hole sponsorships or
donations for 2024 consideration (Contact person):
- Boehringer-Ingelheim (Wheeler)
- R2 Financial – (Wheeler)
- Blue Pearl (Stump)
- Banfield (Wheeler)
- Heartland (Rychnovsky – provide contact names)
- AMVC - (Rychnovsky – provide contact names)
- Elanco (Wheeler)
- Dechra (Stumpf)
- IVS (Stumpf)
- Paws & Pints (Stumpf)
- Retirement Solutions of Iowa (Stumpf)
- Downing Construction (Stumpf)
- Midwest Veterinary Supply (Quam)
- Pharmgate Animal Health (J Okones)
- Simmons Midwest
- Zoetis
- Wedgewood
- Purina Veterinary Diets
- Merck
- Phibro Animal Health
- Mission Veterinary Partners (RW)
- Universal Printing (RW)
- MWI (RW)
- Blue Buffalo (RW)
- Carney & Appleby (RW)
- Aurora (RW)
- Christian Veterinary Mission (RW)
Others to consider:
- Covetrus
- Companion Pet Laser
- Cutting Edge
- Embrace Pet Insurance
- EI Medical Imaging
- Z&Z Medical
- Heritage Veterinary Partners
- Western Veterinary Partners
- The Sporting Clay/Skeet/3-D archery shoot event was discussed. With the earlier time for the golf outing, it still needs to be decided if we will hold the shoot on the same day as the golf outing or a different day. Prefer to hold it at Olofson Shooting Range in Polk City. Dr. Wheeler will do the research and coordination.
Prices from 2023 for the shoot:
Cost/shooter - $40 fee charge for 25 clays & 25 trap/skeet, each person must bring their own ammo. Dr. Wheeler will bring extra ammo. Archery – $35
Certificates will be awarded for the top 3 placings in the two events – same as last year.
The meeting adjourned at 1:30pm.
Iowa Veterinary Medical Association Foundation Minutes
IVMA Office & Via Zoom
Thursday, January 11, 2024
On Thursday, January 11, 2024, President Dr. David Larson called the meeting of the IVMA Foundation Board of Directors to order at 1:04pm. Present at the meeting were Drs. Robert Freese, Abbey Smith, Kim Van Driel and Pat Simonsen. Those unable to attend were ex-official member - Dr. Jared Danielson and IVMA Executive Director - Dr. Randy Wheeler.
Officers and terms for 2023 are as follows:
President – Dr. David Larson (2024)
Vice President – Dr. Abbey Smith-Schwab (2025)
Secretary/Treasurer – Dr. Kim Van Driel (2026)
Board member – Dr. Robert Freese (2027)
Board member – Dr. Pat Simonsen (2028)
Ex officio – Dr. Jared Danielson
All terms expire in September. A motion was made to approve the above officers for 2024 and passed.
The Board discussed possible nominees for the new 2029 board position to be filled in September.
Any possible nominees should be sent to Dr. Wheeler to be discussed at the September board meeting.
The Board reviewed the Minutes from the following meetings:
- Meeting of the Corporation Minutes – 092723
- Sports & Field Day Recap Meeting Minutes – 102523
- Financial Planning Committee Meeting Minutes – 110823
A motion to approve was made, seconded, and passed.
Jon Glaser and Libby Glaser Johnson from Iowa Wealth Management reviewed the 2023 investment portfolio for the Foundation in detail with the board. All board members received a summary of the investments from Iowa Wealth Management.
Financials were reviewed and it was moved, seconded, and passed to approve.
The Foundation Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws revisions for 2024 where approved and will be sent to the Executive Board.
The Foundation Focus will be mailed to all members in the spring. Tracy will work with Teresa and send out possibly 3 times a year to all members.
There are currently 198 Foundation Fellows (167 Gold, 14 Diamond and 17 Platinum).
Fundraising events/projects were discussed. The IVMA staff will look into possibly collecting old x-ray machines to return to a company who buys them and then putting that money into the Foundation.
Determination of 2024 scholarships was discussed. The Board agreed upon a total of $77,500 for scholarships in 2024 – an electronic vote was performed for approval. The $15,000 bond will be used to fund part of the scholarships.
It was moved, seconded, and passed to adjourn at 1:40pm.
Iowa Veterinary Medical Association Foundation Minutes
Annual Corporation Meeting
Gateway Conference Center- Ames, IA
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
The IVMA Foundation Annual Corporation meeting was called to order by President Dr. Megan Hindman at 11:02 am. Present for the meeting were Vice President Dr. Dave Larson, Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Abbey Smith and Board of Director members Dr. Kim Van Driel, Dr. Robert Freese, Ex officio Jared Danielson PhD and IVMA Executive Director Randy Wheeler. Corporation members in attendance were Drs. Kristen Clark, Kenneth May, Aubrey Cordray, Shawn Nicholson, Preston Ayers, Chris Bean, Abigail Bowers, Rachel Friedrich, Louise Fuller, Elizabeth Holland, Joel Loomis, Patrick Simonsen, Michael Slattery, Lindsay Speer, Lisa Thilges, and Zach Vosburg.
Dr. Hosch reviewed the Foundation Board members and their terms of office:
- President – Dr. Megan Hindman..................................... September 2023
- Vice President - Dr. David Larson….……….……………September 2024
- Secretary/Treasurer - Dr. Abbey Smith........................... September 2025
- Dr. Kim Van Driel – BOD member.................................. September 2026
- Dr. Robert Freese – BOD member ………………….…...September 2027
- Ex officio – Jared Danielson PhD (CVM)
Nomination for new Board members was called for from the floor. Dr. Patrick Simonsen from Le Mars offered his nomination for the term ending in 2028. Dr. Aimee Roberts had been mentioned previously. The BOD will vote to select the 2028 member.
A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, the motion was seconded and passed:
- Minutes 011123 BOD Mtg.
- Minutes 051723 Sports & Field Day Mtg.
The Board reviewed the Foundation financials. A motion to approve was made, seconded, and passed.
2023 Scholarships Report:
- $72,000 in Foundation Scholarships
- IVMA Foundation Sports & Field Day Community Engagement Scholarship – added an additional scholarship bringing the total to 6 @ $1,500
- IVMA Bovine Preconditioning Program Scholarships (6 awards @ $2,500 ea. = $15,000 total) – Replaced BI Scholarships
- Tentatively two $1,500 scholarships from the Interstate VMA are being offered for 2024
Dr. Hindman reviewed the current number of Foundation Fellows and the differentiation of the 3 support levels. Numbers have remained static but levels of participation has increased in the Diamond and Platinum categories:
- 194 Foundation Fellows
- 165 Gold Level ($1,000 minimum donation within 5 yrs.)
- 13 Diamond level ($2,500 minimum over lifetime)
- 16 Platinum Level ($5,000 minimum over lifetime)
IVMA Foundation Sports & Field Day brief recap. There were 37 golfers (Beaver Creek Golf Course - Rimes), 11 shooters and 4 archers (Olofson Shooting Range – Polk City). The financials show an estimated net profit of $11,699 (does not include administrative cost).
The meeting adjourned at 11:21 am.