2022 IVMA Annual Meeting Proceedings

Thursday Sessions

Companion Animal
Non-Antibiotic Therapy of Diarrhea - Dr. Albert Jergens
Evidence-Based Care of GI Diseases - Dr. Albert Jergens
Update on Diagnosis & Management of canine/feline Pancreatitis - Dr. Albert Jergens
Hyperthyroidism & the Kidney: What's new? - Dr. Laura Van Vertloo
Subclinical Bacteriuria in Dogs & Cats - Dr. Laura Van Vertloo
Feline CKD Management: What You Need & What You Can do Without - Dr. Laura Van Vertloo

Hot Topics

An Introduction to Iowa & DEA Controlled Substances Regulations - Ms. Jan Woods
Iowa Controlled Substances & DEA Regulatory Requirements - Ms. Jan Woods
Recognizing & Handling Staff & Client Addiction - Ms. Jan Woods
Knock, Knock, It's the DEA! - Ms. Jan Woods
A new Mindset on Small Animal Reproduction: Ways to increase clinic revenue & strengthen client bonds - Dr. Lin Kauffman
Zoological Medicine Past & Present: Observations from a Career - Dr. Dennis Riordan
*No proceeding provided


The Latest Related to the Antimicrobials We Use in Practice - Dr. Mike Apley
A Practical Guide to Utilizing Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test in in Practice - Dr. Mike Apley
Antimicrobial Stewardship-Platitudes Don't Help - Dr. Mike Apley
Preconditioning Infractions &
Pentobarb Residues - Dr. Thomas Hansen & Dr. Randy Wheeler
Serum total protein measurements in 1 day old beef calves and the relationship with health status and weaning weight in both traditional pasture based and confinement cow-calf environments - Dr. Lynn Geoffrey
* No proceedings provided
Updates in Cattle Reproductive Procedures: Estrus Synchronization, Bull Breeding & Soundness Exams - Dr. Tyler Dohlman

Animal Welfare

Basics of Equine Behavior - Dr. Katrina Merkies
Tips for Veterinarians - Dr. Katrina Merkies
Evidence-based Research to Practice - Dr. Katrina Merkies
Education Resources for Horse Owners - Dr. Katrina Merkies

Wellness Session

Burnout & Compassion Fatigue (And Staying Well in the Veterinary Profession) - Dr. Ginger Templeton
Conflict Management: Creating Healthier Work Environments - Dr. Ginger Templeton
Mentoring: From Good to Great - Dr. Ginger Templeton
Mastering the Art of Mindful Listening - Dr. Ginger Templeton
The Science of Mindfulness & Applications in Veterinary Medicine - Sarah Montgomery PhD

Friday Sessions
Companion Animal
Fluid Therapy from an Emergency Perspective - Dr. Meredith 't Hoen
Let's take the Stress out of Respiratory Distress - Dr. Meredith 't Hoen
Review of Small Animal Emergency ProceduresDr. Meredith ‘t Hoen
Radiography 101: Back to the Basics - Dr. Robin White
Introduction to Ultrasound: Physics, Artifacts & Knobology - Dr. Robin White
The Basic Abdominal Ultrasound: Normals & Abnormal - Dr. Robin White

Federal Accreditation -
Module 9: Interstate & International Health Certificates for Category I Animals - Dr. Andrea Holmes
Module 24: Collecting & Shipping Swine Diagnostic Samples - Dr. Andrea Holmes
Module 14: Evaluation of Aquatic Animals for Detection of Reportable Diseases & Pathogens – Dr. Susie Hexum
Module 18: Avian Influenza & Exotic Newcastle Disease - Dr. Jim Lee
Module 31: High-Impact Equine Diseases in the US - Dr. Jessica Young
Module 35: Bovine Tuberculosis in Cattle - Dr. Bailey Goos

Small Ruminant

Small Ruminant Herd Health - Dr. Roselle Busch
Buck Health - Dr. Roselle Busch
Small Ruminant Abortions - Dr. Roselle Busch
Mastitis - Dr. Roselle Busch
Small Ruminant Pneumonia - Dr. Roselle Busch
Neonates: The first 72 hours - Dr. Roselle Busch


Equine Ocular Evaluation-Using Your Eyes, Instruments & Ultrasound - Dr. Rachel Allbaugh
You Can Do It! Recognizing & Treating the Top 3 Equine Eye Diseases - Dr. Rachel Allbaugh
Beyond Ovulation: How to Manage Repeat Breeders - Dr. Eleas Wu
High Risk Pregnancies: Diagnosis, Treatment & Management - Dr. Eleas Wu
Expect the Unexpected: Managing the Postpartum Mare - Dr. Eleas Wu
The Gift That Keeps on Giving: Treatment of Retained Placentas - Dr. Eleas Wu

Veterinary Technician

How & Why Fear Free - Dr. Laura Bahns
Common Fears & Phobias - Dr. Laura Bahns
Preparing Puppies for Adulthood - Dr. Laura Bahns
Case Examples - Dr. Laura Bahns