Careers and Classifieds

Student Internship & Shadowing Directory
The information provided will be available to CVM students to help them find veterinary clinics who are interested in offering experiences for future veterinarians. 
Clinics will be responsible for interviewing and offering opportunities to students.
Clinic Information Form
IVMA Members that wish to have their clinic listed in the directory should CLICK HERE and complete the form.

The students are responsible for making contact with clinics and pursuing opportunities.

Directory for CVM Students
CLICK HERE to view IVMA Member clinic offering opportunities. (Updated 09/10/24)

ISU-CVM Practice Partners Program
Practice Partners Program is a ISU CVM program designed to streamline recruiting for employers. Practice Partners (potential employers) engage with ISU-CVM students in four main ways:
  1. Send digital advertisements about employment opportunities to the online ISU-CVM Job Board and for monthly distribution in the Practice Partners Email Digest
  2. Attend in-person networking and job fairs (IVMA Networking and Job Fair in the fall; SAVMA/VBMA Career Development Workshop in the spring)
  3. Advertise speakers and topics for educational programming to student clubs and organizations
  4. Provide individual student career development consulting on-demand
ISU-CVM students can access the ISU-CVM Job Board and learn more about career development options here.

Find A Job
Veterinarians Wanted
Veterinary Technicians Wanted
Veterinary Clinic Staff Wanted

For Sale

Equipment Available
Equipment Wanted
Practice for Sale

Place a Classified Ad
Send the IVMA your classified advertisement via email to

Classified Advertising Rates
For IVMA Members & VAP Members the first 75 words are free.  Additional words are $1.00 each. Classified advertisements appear in the IVMA Update and on the website for three months.
For Non-IVMA Members advertising rates are $125 for the first 75 words; each additional word is $1.50.  Classified advertisements appear in the IVMA Update and on the website for one month.
General Policy
The publisher reserves the right to cancel or reject any advertisement at any time.  The advertiser agrees to indemnify and protect the publisher from any claims or expenses resulting from the advertisers’ unauthorized use of any name, photograph, sketch or words protected by copyright or registered trademarks.
Deadlines for Submission
All advertisements must be submitted on or before the 15th of the month prior to publication.

The IVMA Update is published monthly.  Distribution is to approximately 1,700 IVMA members and 300 Iowa State CVM students.  We also mail to all non-member veterinarians licensed in Iowa three times each year. 


Whether you are looking for a job or in search of a new employee, use the IVMA’s Veterinary Career Network to expand your search across the country.  Employers can post openings to find qualified candidates and job seekers can search a certain geographical region and/or area of specialization from their desktop or mobile device.